Microneedling/ Dermapen
Course of 3 treatments £500
An incredible breakthrough procedure for the treatment of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, scars and stretchmarks.
Dermapen it is a novel therapeutic modality in dermatology and now a well-documented treatment option in atrophic acne scars and for skin rejuvenation. However, treatment benefit has also been seen in varicella scars, burn scars, keloids, acne, alopecia, and periorbital melanosis.
An automated microneedling device which looks like a pen-ergonomic device makes use of disposable needles.
Micropunctures are created using microneedles which produce a controlled skin injury without actually damaging the epidermis. Tiny needles of a depth selected for your particular concern will be used to create 1000’s of micro-injuries to the skin to stimulate a natural response.
Collagen and elastin are produced, scars remodelled and skin quality and texture improved.
There is no downtime and the patient can resume daily work the very next day. Treatments are performed at 3–8 week intervals and multiple sittings are needed to achieve the desired effect on the skin.